Friday, 23 March 2007

Week Three

Main Points from Lecture:
In Today's lecture we learnt about all different types of presentations.
  • Self-Contained Presentations are in the form of a web-page, CD-ROM, Video
  • Written Presentations can be like an essay ,report or paper
  • Stand and Deliver, an oral presentation
  • An audience will remember: 10% of what they see, 25% what they see & hear, 40% what they see& hear& write, and 60% of what they experience interactively
  • That a speech is to be set out into three parts, an Introduction, Body and Conclusion.
  • And that you need to create a big picture of the speech. Everything needs to connect, and to finish with a STRONG ending. To maintain an informative tone, be artistic, effective and creative, everyone likes an attention Getter.
  • Using Audio and Visual aids can help with a presentation, yet it has to be remembered to have hard copy back ups. As a safety precaution, and because you can never trust a computer.
  • Rehearse your talk. Over and over again.
  • That it's better not to use visual or audio aids at all if you don't know how to use them properly.
  • If using a PowerPoint presentation only use slides that are going to back up your speech. Don't add your whole speech word for word onto slides. No-one will read it and it makes it look boring.
  • Speak clearly, and keep eye contact with the audience!


  • Never use a font size less than 20, it can make it hard for people to read if it is.
  • Avoid using bright colours, for the same reason.
  • Some new commands I learnt for powerpoint are:
  • Control M: Gets you a new slide
  • Control N: Gets a new presentation
  • F5: Takes you to full screen view
  • Shift F5: Gives you a full screen on the slide you select
  • Control 2: undo
  • Control 4: redo
  • Control S: Save
  • F12: Save to another location

Workshop Activity 1

Heather's Top 5 List of Strategies for a Top-Notch Presentation!

  2. Don't read directly from palm cards or notes. Use dot points or quick reminders on them. If you can do this and confidently talk about your topic, you look like you actually know what you're talking about.
  3. Make it interesting for the audience.
  4. Don't put information into your speech if at the last minute your not going to use it.
  5. Practice your presentation as many times as you can.

Workshop Activity 2

All the slides from my presentation about me!

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