Friday, 11 May 2007

Week 10

Week Ten

Using Online Libraries and Databases

Lecture Notes
In today's lecture, instead of writing down the notes that I thought where appropriate, I printed out the lecture slides from Blackboard, and highlighted and wrote little additional notes next to the slides.Online Libraries and Databases can prove to be a useful source of information and are very similar. Some vary in that they available by subscription only, and others are free.
We discussed the different types of Online Libraries, which are:
Musical, Electronic Books, Online Text Repositories, Online Journals and Artworks.
There are some limits with online libraries though, these being, that the information you have found in this particular library, may only be in an electronic form, which can be hard for someone, who wants to read a book that is only found online. Another downfall of Online libraries is that you may need to subscribe or have permission to view their contents.
Online Databases are similar to online libraries, which have data collection and distribution. There are different types of databases online and these are:
News and Media, Government, People, Email, and Map and Atlas Databases, all being self explanatory in what they offer.

Tutorial Notes

Tasks One and Two

ECU LIBRARY-some of the functions and supports it offers

  1. Library Catalogue

  2. Referencing and Referencing Assistance

  3. Searching Strategies

  4. End Note

  5. Multimedia resource help

  6. Document Delivery Service

  7. Information on how to borrow materials from the library

  8. Database and material searching

  9. Links to other parts of the ECU web pages

  10. Getting started at the Library

Tasks Three, Four, Five and Six

MEDline Plus

When on this site I found that I was picking out all the drug names that are most common to me ( I work in two Pharmacies). It was interesting to read about what some of these drugs do and what they are treated for. This now makes it easier for me at work, but also for the Pharmacists I work with, as now, I can answer some customer questions and queries without having to pull the Pharmacists away from their other duties too much.

I think pharmacists would probably be the most common users of this site. They can look up information for themselves or for customers and print it off. Also students could access and use this site for their studies, as it is trustworthy and can be relied on for facts and information.

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